Our early Italian immigrants (as was also the case with immigrants of other ethnic and national origins) soon felt the need to form social support groups in order to extend assistance, reinforcement and encouragement to one another, especially in time of need or distress. In such groups, provisions were made for financial support to each member during illnesses, periods of unemployment, or the effects of accidents. In the event of a member’s death, financial as well as emotional support would be extended to the member’s family.
Thus, in geographic localities where a considerable number of Italians had settled, forming what they called Italian colonies”, there would come into being a “Societa di Mutuo Soccorso” or a mutual aid society.
So it came about – way back in 1914 – that a few socially spirited Italian Americans of what they themselves called “la colonia italiani di Stroudsburg" founded an association called “Societa di Mutuo Soccorso Corona d’Italia”, literally: The Crown of Italy Mutual Aid Society. This was accomplished at a time when there were only three “naturalized” American citizens among the organizers. Subsequent to the required public announcements in two newspapers (“Monroe Record” and “Stroudsburg Times”), the Charter was granted on June 13, 1914. In the course of the years, with the increased Americanization of the older members and the infusion of the new English-speaking members, it became necessary to use English more and more, as evidenced by the fact that in 1941, a new booklet was published containing the association’s constitution and bylaws in English and in Italian, in which the title “Italian Mutual Benefit Association” appeared more prominently. |