Italian Mutual Benefit Association Scholars

Carter Joseph Brown, son of Joseph and Rosemary Brown, has been named the recipient of a $1500 scholarship for the 2023-2024 collegiate academic year by the Italian Mutual Benefit Association of Stroudsburg according to Felix Staffaroni, Association President.

Carter, a Senior at East Stroudsburg North High School, currently sits in the top 2% of his class with an unweighted GPA of 3.90, including 8 Advanced Placement and 14 Honors courses. He was class president from 2019 to 2021 and has served on the Student Council from 2019 to the present day. Carter has been a member of the Boy Scouts of America since 2017 and had attained the rank of Eagle Scout. He has participated in numerous voluntary organizations, both in and out of school; Carter has been captain of his high school soccer team for three years and has also participated in FC Pocono Club soccer since 2009. He will attend Ohio State University in the Fall to major in Finance.

The IMBA Scholarship Program was established in 1989 as part of the Association’s Diamond Anniversary celebration. Scholarship applicants are required to demonstrate superior academic achievement, active involvement in extra-curricular activities, participation in school and community service, and write a 1000-word minimum essay on the topic “What My Italian Heritage Means to Me.”

The monetary grant is the result of a comprehensive evaluation and is applicable to the awardee’s Freshman year at a four-year college or university program. The Association members feel that it is very important, particularly in our present economic situation, to provide financial assistance to students and their families. Unfortunately, limited funds and keen competition for the scholarship does not permit additional assistance for other deserving candidates.

The mission of the Italian Mutual Benefit Association is “to promote positive social interaction between and among Americans of Italian descent, provide for the preservation of our Italian cultural heritage, and enhance the positive image of the Italian people within the greater community.” The Association continues to serve its constituents and was granted a Charter by the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County in 1914.

If you would like additional information or have any questions, please contact Dr. Frank N. De Frank, Scholarship Chairperson, at #610-905-3931.


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