Italian Mutual Benefit Association Scholarship Overview

The Italian Mutual Benefit Association (IMBA) Scholarship is available to high school seniors from Stroudsburg High, East Stroudsburg North and South High, and Notre Dame High of East Stroudsburg. In the future, other local high schools may be added to the program. Anywhere from one to three scholarships per year are awarded. The applicant must have at least one grandparent of Italian Ancestry and must be ranked academically in the top 25% of his/her class.

The application process is simple. In early February the appropriate application forms are hand-delivered to the school guidance office. That office is charged with informing students of the availability of the scholarship. The completed forms are to be submitted through the guidance counselor to the IMBA by the end of March. All instructions and requirements for form completion along with the necessary ancillary information from the high school are clearly detailed on the form.

Although the award is announced in April, funds will be distributed by the Association during the second semester of the student's first collegiate academic year. The student must provide the IMBA Scholarship Committee with an official copy of his/her collegiate transcript at the end of the first semester of enrollment along with proof of registration for the second semester. The scholarship requires that the recipient maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average (based on a 4.0 scale) as a full-time student and be enrolled as a full-time student for the second semester. Failure to perform academically at this minimal level cancels the scholarship.


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